EVENT CMASS Winter Follies 2019

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I-95 Envoy
TRF Supporter
Mar 6, 2010
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Amesbury, MA
CMASS will be holding it's annual Winter Follies Launch in January 2019 at the School Street field in Acton, MA. Like last year, this year, we’re going to try to hold it on the best weather day we can muster. We’ve reserved the School Street field in Acton, MA, for The last two weekends in January. We’ll only get to use it on one of the weekend days but we won’t be tied to a day that may not be serviceable for us. Right now, our calendar has the 19th listed as our launch day. If this looks like it will be a good day to fly, we’ll hold to that schedule. If the weather looks unpleasant, or even dangerous, we’ll move the scheduled day to the 20th or the following weekend. I’ll try to make the call by the Wednesday before the scheduled time to allow folks to shuffle things around. Keep an eye on the website for the latest information.

Whatever day we end up launching, set up will be at 10 AM and we'll fly until 3 PM at the latest.

I'm hoping to be able to get a day that will be comfortable for us to use but things can change around here with little notice. As we have proved, bad weather will not cancel this launch once the date is set but it will likely shorten it. Plan on being there early.

As always, this field supports only low- and mid-power rockets and motors. Be sure to mind the weather conditions when you mate your rocket and motor. All sparky motors are considered high-power and are not allowed at this launch. Remember, plastic parachutes don't play well in the cold weather; don't pack your chutes until you're ready to fly and dust them with talcum powder to give them the best chance to do their job. Nylon chutes and streamers work best in the cold; crepe paper streamers are good for light weight rockets, too. If there is snow cover, the landings could be soft; if there is a crust on the snow or no snow at all, whatever part of you rocket that hits first, could take a pounding.
Good pointers on recovery, Kenn.

Here's a photo, from when I'd just got started in the hobby, of a friend's rocket which didn't fare so well in the cold weather, despite landing on waffer-thin ice...

Chad's Crossfire.JPG
The weather is looking somewhat promising for Saturday. My daughter and I are hoping to be there around noon. She's itching to fly her scratch-built 5-motor cluster and I want to test my new GPS system.
Thanks for the heads up on the 5 motor cluster. I will make sure we have at least one relay available. What motors is she planning on using?

Thanks, Guy. I'm still working on a the sim file, but I'm guessing it will fly well on 4 x B6-0 + 1 D12-5.
I assume AMW won’t be there. Would anyone be interested in picking up an order? I had placed an order with them before the MMMSC launch in December that was cancelled.
I spoke with Gloria yesterday. They are flying back to the Northeast on Saturday evening--right into the teeth of the storm. Hopefully we can get some good flights in before the weather turns on us.
Well, dang it, we've all gotten sick - mostly me. The baby is mostly fine now. The wife is middling. I'm pretty miserable.

Barring a miraculous recovery, I'm going to have to miss yet another one. This would've been my first Winter Follies, too!
Well, dang it, we've all gotten sick - mostly me. The baby is mostly fine now. The wife is middling. I'm pretty miserable.

Barring a miraculous recovery, I'm going to have to miss yet another one. This would've been my first Winter Follies, too!
Feel free to come to the launch and watch it while sitting in your car. You can also join us for eats afterwards as long as you sit two restaurants away. I am not picking up a bug before my west coast sojourn.
I'll only show up if all three of us are feeling fine. As for picking up a bug from me, you should't get what I got from my son as long as you don't stick your fingers in my mouth. But I'll definitely keep my distance. We should avoid chewing on the same plush toys, to be safe.
So many restrictions.

Well, we do have a safety code to abide by, after all.

Hoo, boy, though, would it have been a mistake for me to go. Last night, I felt like the World's Most Interesting Man - I don't always get sick, but when I do...