Call for IBEBLIP

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
Ibeblip, Can you please contact me at EMRR about your article? I can't email you on TRF right now, I get a disabled message.

nick at

You aren't the only one, brother.
But get this: Somehow, some way, I managed to disable my outgoing e-mail at home. The good part is that I can receive.
I've just joined your forum and my e-mail address is there for announcements.
Now, I've got to get back to the problem I created and try to fix it. Then I'll try and contact you at your e-mail address if my efforts are successful.
I own the apology Milo. I didn't mean to infer fault to anyone but myself; as I am somewhat less than brilliant in the technical operations of my PC at home. For me, having a computer is sort of like being issued a driver's license . . . "just because I have one doesn't necessarily mean that I'm any good at it or should be doing it at all.

I think you guys are doing a heckuva job, and I thank each and every one of you for your time and patience.

Moreover, I figured something was up with the server and you guys are being extra cautious after the recent attacks from hackers.