Build thread for the Hail Mary.

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Fins complete!image.jpg
I do want to do the thing where you spin it on a string but I can’t see how to attach the string with the fins in the way?
You attach the string to the CG... Which, given the weight of your Lexan fins, I predict you're going to need nose weight to prevent it from flying backwards.
How would you attach the fins? my plan is, since the rocket won’t see high speeds it should be ok to not use TTW and epoxy them to the surface. Opinions?

What motor(s) are you planning to use? I'd be happy to model your rocket in Open Rocket.​
What motor(s) are you planning to use? I'd be happy to model your rocket in Open Rocket.​
I already did but I had to override the CD with numbers from a program that I don’t know very well and I don’t want to trust them much. But if you want to for fun then config 1 is 3 E12 and 2 is 1 G78
I already did but I had to override the CD with numbers from a program that I don’t know very well and I don’t want to trust them much. But if you want to for fun then config 1 is 3 E12 and 2 is 1 G78
Sorry, my mistake, I didn't realize you had run a simulation.​
I don’t know if anyone has a method for removing a lot of material by sanding I tried a dremel tool but it doesn’t work very well. I need to sand the centering rings to fit the tubes that got smaller when I cut the slots.
I don’t know if anyone has a method for removing a lot of material by sanding
As @UPscaler might say.... "Welcome to the sanding channel" -- there's enough sanding in this hobby that we might even warrant our own special brand of sandpaper.
"Yes, available now! Rocket Sandpaper! It does fins, it does body tubes, it does centering rings, and it'll even do nosecones! Only $19.95 through this special TV offer, operators are standing by now!"
we might even warrant our own special brand of sandpaper.
"Yes, available now! Rocket Sandpaper! It does fins, it does body tubes, it does centering rings, and it'll even do nosecones! Only $19.95 through this special TV offer, operators are standing by now!"
I’d buy it, I’d buy a lot of it.
I don’t know if anyone has a method for removing a lot of material by sanding I tried a dremel tool but it doesn’t work very well. I need to sand the centering rings to fit the tubes that got smaller when I cut the slots.

Table top belt sander...​
You should be able though to use the Dremel, just flatten one side of the ring, since that's what is holding the ring from sliding into place.​
Table top belt sander...​
You should be able though to use the Dremel, just flatten one side of the ring, since that's what is holding the ring from sliding into place.​
I don’t have a belt sander but I can get access to one this weekend and get the nose cone! So expect a update then.
I don’t have a an update (will have one soon though) but I was wondering if @techrat has finished the book? If so how was it?
I read the book very quickly. I was amazed that I finished it so fast, but it was a page-turner for sure. Without giving anything away, the science seemed very plausible, and relatable, it's explained at a level even I could understand. I'm still a little fuzzy on how spin drives work, but whatever, it gets our protagonist where he needs to be to solve the problem. After reading "The Martian", I was fairly certain that no one on Earth knew more about survival on Mars than Andy Weir did, he had basically become an expert on the subject. This book seems to prove that Andy's excellence in science isn't limited to Mars. He clearly did quite a bit of math, and worked out a lot of ideas that, on paper anyway, seem like they could work.

But as with any novel, if the characters aren't fun, then you stop reading. Fortunately, *both* Grace and Rocky are fine characters and drive the story forward. There were some things I was skeptical of, but overall I was willing to accept a certain suspension of disbelief just so I could find out what happens next. It's going to be interesting movie if they get all the details right.
I read the book very quickly. I was amazed that I finished it so fast, but it was a page-turner for sure. Without giving anything away, the science seemed very plausible, and relatable, it's explained at a level even I could understand. I'm still a little fuzzy on how spin drives work, but whatever, it gets our protagonist where he needs to be to solve the problem. After reading "The Martian", I was fairly certain that no one on Earth knew more about survival on Mars than Andy Weir did, he had basically become an expert on the subject. This book seems to prove that Andy's excellence in science isn't limited to Mars. He clearly did quite a bit of math, and worked out a lot of ideas that, on paper anyway, seem like they could work.

But as with any novel, if the characters aren't fun, then you stop reading. Fortunately, *both* Grace and Rocky are fine characters and drive the story forward. There were some things I was skeptical of, but overall I was willing to accept a certain suspension of disbelief just so I could find out what happens next. It's going to be interesting movie if they get all the details right.
He has a book called artemis which you would probably like.
Ok an update on the top, it came off. I dropped the rocket and it popped of so I need to attach it better it was too big for the to of the transition so I will make it smaller to fit:IMG_0100.jpegIMG_0101.jpeg
Above is the similar to the way it was before.IMG_0102.jpeg
And this is how I will do it now.
ooo, good idea - I really liked that book too! It’s hard to decide which is my favourite out of Andy Weir’s three books but rocky’s adding "question" does occasionally make its way into my speech lol
Unfortunate the parts don’t quite fit together, looks like you found a way around that though :)
ooo, good idea - I really liked that book too! It’s hard to decide which is my favourite out of Andy Weir’s three books but rocky’s adding "question" does occasionally make its way into my speech lol
Unfortunate the parts don’t quite fit together, looks like you found a way around that though :)
Not me @lakeroadster did it and feel free to make one yourself!
It’s been a while since last update but I have been working and expect more soon but my nose cone is done and my grandpa did a fabulous job.IMG_0383.jpegIMG_0384.jpegIMG_0385.jpeg