attn Lee Reep re:Duplicolor Mirage

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Jan 17, 2009
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I saw your post on rmr and don't know what will fall out of it. The quality of the Mirage paints are hard to catch on just doesn't do them justice. Here is a pic of a HPR rocket with a similar paint, although that was prolly airbrushed.

Thanks for posting the picture. This must be the paint I've seen on a few Fords awhile ago -- color changes as light angles change.

I'm curious how good the spray can versions are. I'm definitely interested in trying them out!
I am getting a kit tomorrow. It comes with 3 cans, a base coat and 2 color coats. The guy at NAPA recommended a clear coat...he uses it on die cast cars.

as for quality, I only have Richard Hickok's rocket as an example. It looks great! Evidently the other color combos 'blow' :D
Dang, that pic is very very nice... We just recently had a pinewood derby day with the cub scouts. One dad who works at auto repare used that kind of spray paint on his car. It was primarily gold with purple and what was supposed to be blue. No matter how hard I looked, I couldn't get any more than 2 colors to show. But, I will tell ya, it was a nice finish.

Mav, what colors do you think were on that rocket?

Lee, let us know what colors you choose for your rocket. And make sure to make lots of pics... Luck to ya...
The colors in the pic I attached are purple/green, methinks. Looks more blue to me in the compressed version. Told ya pics don't do that paint justice.:)
Originally posted by rstaff3
I am getting a kit tomorrow. It comes with 3 cans, a base coat and 2 color coats. The guy at NAPA recommended a clear coat...he uses it on die cast cars.

as for quality, I only have Richard Hickok's rocket as an example. It looks great! Evidently the other color combos 'blow' :D

3 cans?! You mean it's not like AquaFresh toothpaste, with one of those fancy multihole nozzles?

Did you see that paint job in person? Did it look as good as the pics do? You have me rethinking the titanium on the MegaNuk. Maybe the multi-color would look better. :)
Originally posted by PGerringer
Did you see that paint job in person? Did it look as good as the pics do?

I didn't inspect either the large rocket (the pic I posted) or Richard Hickock's real carefully, but both really looked cool from several feet away. I say this because there could have been up close flaws that I couldn't see. I think the paint looks even better on the larger rockets since you get so much perspective which lets the multiple colors come out. Another caveat - I bet the large one was painted with an airbrush vs. cans. I have heard that the only color that comes out well from the cans is the purple-green, but I have only seen one other color personally and it was airbrushed. But that's OK, I love the color purple and the green looks bitchin' mixed in there. Both models look better in real life than they do in the pics. You miss out on the glimmering effect that comes from lighting and perspective changes.

Having just learned that they can get the stuff quickly, I just now bought a set from NAPA. It had to be ordered from their warehouse but will be here later the same day. It is a 3 can set, a black base coat and the 2 top coats. I forget the size of the cans (8oz I think). The downside is the cost - $19.93 before tax. I have heard some BIG K's carry it for a couple of bucks less, but I couldn't find it at the ones around here. When I get it I'll read the instructions and see if they say anything about coverage. This could really add up on a large rocket. I'm gonna try it on a small X-15-like modroc from Shrox.

If you go looking for it (NAPA or elsewhere), note that most people have never heard of it. They need to look at their catalog vs the paint finder book based on car make/model/yr. The Duplicolor p/n is MP400 (for the green/purple). I also bought a can of their Crystal Clear topcoat at the advice of the parts guy who has used it.

That's my full brain-dump on the subject. I'll post again when I pick the paint up and see the instructions.
Actually, $20 for three cans isn't too bad. I'm used to spending essentially that much for the little Testor's and Model Masters cans (for about the same amount of paint).

Also, I thought the posted pic was pretty good. The purple and green fades definitely stood out.
Actually, it's really like $20 for one 'can' since the three cans represent multiple coats on the same area. However, I'm not that suprised that it's comparable to Testors, which is a lot more than, say, Krylon. I do like the Testor's paints tho :) 'specially the metal flake purple, the metalics....
We must all be thinkin' the same.....

I bought a package of it (Gold/Magenta) from Walmart ($18) yesterday to paint my Fat Cat's Hypersonic Transport with. I have gold decals to help highlight the colors? (I think)

Here is some more information on this paint HERE

Best wishes to everyone using this stuff!

BTW, if you're looking for another cool finish, use crackling paint. Here's my PML Phantom with the black and gold.

Good link, thanks! I can't believe I never thought to look it up on the web. Can't wait to see the gold/magenta.
The gold and Magenta isn't exactly what it sounds like. This guy I was telling you about used this same paint on his pinewood derby car. His son's car was Gold/Magenta and his was Green/Silver. He can get me the kit for $18 (he works at a body shop) so I think I'm going to test out the Purple/Green. The Gold/Magenta was mostly gold and wasnt that impressive. The Green/Silver was really nice and it looks like that one in your pic is the Purple/Green. I can't wait to try it out. I will let you guys know how it goes.
When I was picking my Mirage kit up, I talked to a guy who uses it quite a bit. Of course I don't know what that means and haven't seen his work, but here's his advice anyway.

First, make sure you have good coverage of the base coat. (Makes sense, but maybe an extra coat is in order after you think you are done?)

The quality of the multicolor look depend on the number of color coats (this part agrees with the web site provided earlier). He recommends at least 3 maybe more. (I was wondering if maybe some of the colors that aren't as pronounced may need even more coats?)

The finish with the cans will look good but sometimes feel a little rough. He recommends that you use a light buffing compound (jewelers' rouge, whatever thay is) after the clear coat. (I doubt if I'd do this unless it looked rough - I'd hate to mess up the finish.)

If you think the final finish isn't shiny enough you can use Duplicolor crystal clear as another top coat. (Being chicken, I'm going to make a couple of small test squares to 100% verify compatibility.)

Nothing too surprising here, just thought I'd pass it along.
Good tips. I will be sure to follow them. And it true up-one-ship, my guy can kick your guy's butt. :) Seriously, just to add, my guy says that the 3 cans come in a kit and that one of the cans is the Duplicolor crystal clear. So I really don't think you would have to test if it was compatible. Course, I could be wrong.
I'll eyeball the 2 cans (the one in the kit and the 'extra' one) - most likely they are the same. Before I looked at the website I thought there were 2 color have no clue where I got that one! Both the kit and the clearcoat were pre-ordered, however, they said I could take the clearcoat back if I don't use it...but I might could use an extra can anyhoo ...

Now all I need is the rocket that I plan to paint :D
Cool, which kit did you go with?

I'm picking up the green/purple one tomorrow. :)
I wanted to try it on a small model, and picked the SHX-15 by Shrox. It's an X-15-like kit that flies on 24mm motors, or 18mm, depending what part of the site you visit. Just thought it'd look nice with the fancy paint.

If it works out and I decide to spend lots of money on paint for my upscale Big Brute, I may use it there too. (That's if I EVER decide where to mount the electronics.)
I got the purple/green. I have only seen one of the other colors, the gold/magenta, and definitely think this one looks better. Anyway, purple is my favorite color so I'm biased that direction anyway. :)
Originally posted by EMRR

BTW, if you're looking for another cool finish, use crackling paint. Here's my PML Phantom with the black and gold. Nick


Is the crackling paint a one-step finish (i.e. does it start to crackle after the application?) I'd also be curious about how rough the surface is, although I'd not be too concerned unless it semed like the finish might easily chip.

With that leopard look, it's just dying for a fur collar around the nose cone ...

No, it is two-step.

After you normal priming (I use Plasti-Kote) you paint it with base color (Gold). After it dries, then you paint it with the crackle paint (Black). It reacts based on thickness of painting. The thinner it is the less likely it will crackle. Thick cracks large. Look at my picture and you will see where it crackled more and less. Very difficult to control, but then again, I think that adds to the appeal. After 1 week, I then coated it with Walmart $0.89 ClearCoat.

Does it feel rough? All relative. You can feel the crackles but they are not "chippable". The clearcoat even improves that plus covers the gold with a protective coat. I find that golds and silvers need that protective coat so our "acid" hands doen't stain them.

Read the review HERE and you will see that I had to replace the body tube. I just painted the whole thing (even the previously finished part) over with the gold base and hit it with the black crackle again!

Practice on a tube or something.


Thanks for the details. I read your review, and noted the comments on pistons. I've never built a PML kit, but people are really polarized on the subject. I'd say more dislike the pistons than like them.

I have used PML tubing. I won some at LDRS a number of years ago. I cracked the tube badly when I slid my pre-built motor tube / fin assembly into the tube, and discovered too late that one of the slots was too narrow. The cracking sounded like a gun going off! Thus was spawned my first fiberglassing project -- toughening up that damaged tube. Discovered an added benefit of glassing -- covers up the spirals really well!

Anyway, may try the crackle paint after the Mirage paint, after the next Easter Egg paint job I have planned.
Lee, maybe you should try a crackled Easter Egg technique!?????
Originally posted by rstaff3
Lee, maybe you should try a crackled Easter Egg technique!?????

Ooohhh, I'm thinking you are on to something ... :)

I started to write down brands of paint I use on rockets. Sometimes it is obvious, but the blacks, whites, and reds of numerous brands are similar. I've touched up a rocket after some scratches after a launch, only to produce my own crackled paint job ...
Glad to hear it worked so well! From seeing this paint 'live', I thought yellow would make a nice trim. However, gold monokote probably would look better. The metallic look prolly would fit better with the Mirage finish.

One request and one question...

Please try to snap a photo of the BT section outside in the sunlight (post it of course :cool: ).

And, how much of the kit was used on this section?

I sure will take a pic in the sun. It was kind of interesting, the tube looked purple, but when the flash hit it, it looked green. :)

3 coats of black w/approx 1/4 of the can left.
4 coats of color w/approx 1/3 of the can left.
2 coats of clear w/approx 2/3 of the can left.

I'm sure there is enough for me to complete the nose cone. Anyway, judge that on a 36" long, 7.5" diameter tube.

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. :D
Thanks for the data. The effect of the flash was interesting. Better coverage than I had thought.
Yeah, I was suprised that I was able to coat the tube and have some left over. I actually think it is quite affordable. The black served as my final coats of primer. Funny thing though, I didn't use the normal 400 grit sandpaper I usually use to finish. I was able to take a paper towel (approx 1200 grit equiv.) and just buff the black into a real nice shine and finish.

BTW, I took some pics in the sun: