April 2024 CMASS Launch and NRC Event - The Return to Amesbury

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I-95 Envoy
TRF Supporter
Mar 6, 2010
Reaction score
Amesbury, MA
We’re starting another new season in Amesbury!! Our 20 April launch on the schedule has been postponed to Sunday, the 21st, due to the weather forecast.

We will continue to park at the launch site. This means you can drive out the path to the field and park your car perpendicular to the roadway just far enough onto the grass to clear the path. We can use both sides of the road. Only the trailer, the vehicle towing it and the food delivery car are allowed to drive onto the field. We are going to start using a new set up and spectator area (see photo below). The flight line will now be in line with the truck and trailer extending to the road. The area we previously used will be kept open except for people who have their rockets on the pads. This will help us avoid having rockets fly over the crowd. As always, rods and rails should be angled toward the large, open part of the field (the llama/sheep pen by the red house).

Set up will be at 9:30 with flying starting as soon after 10 AM as we can. We will be stopping at 4 PM at the latest, breaking down the set up and packing into the trailer. Many hands make light work so please pitch in. Use the Launch Duty sign-up sheet to secure your position at Safety Check, Launch Control or Food Service.

There will not be a motor vendor on the field.

The wind forecast shows it blowing mostly from the southwest and west but picking up speed as the day goes on. Make sure to match your rocket, motor and recovery system to the conditions. If there's a chance your rocket could land off the field, think twice about flying in that configuration. We'll have many more launches this season so don't fall victim to GO fever.

Please remember to drive slowly, 5 mph, on the path out to the field. Watch for dogs that may be off leash and others using this city park. We still ask for your cooperation in sharing our hobby and this space with others.

amesbury_new layout.jpg
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It worked great. The wind tended toward the hill and houses and lot of rockets recovered in the area people would have been occupying; as they weren't there we had very few "heads-up" situations. A few Cub Scout rockets landed in the trees and one HPR had its chute slip from the Jolly Logic Chute Release girdle at apogee and drifted into the neighborhood. I don't know if that was recovered.
Amanda Goldman was taking some great pictures at the launch. She was there primarily to support her hubby's attempt for his L1 (he got it) but we all benefited from her photographic skills. Here's the album she put together.
I especially like how in picture #8, she got my two most prominent features: my beard and my gut.