Self adhesive sticker help..

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Oct 31, 2023
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I’m good with water slide decals and vinyl. These self adhesive sticker decals are a different beast. Stickers from BadBoy for upscale Vega. I tried rapid tac, that I use for vinyl, and it dissolved the ink! Now these stickers scare me. No idea how I’m going to put on the wraps (7!). Asked BB, but I’ll ask here too.

How do you apply self adhesive stickers? Anything you can use to float them until they are in place, like rapid tac and vinyl?

Thanks for the help!

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I would start with an edge that has a good reference point. Using your second photo I would place the bottom edge very lightly on the rocket while holding the sticker by the top. Get the sticker positioned and then roll it into place. Stop halfway through and make sure it is aligning properly. Pull off and redo if needed.

For wrapping around a body tube you need a reference point. Wrap a piece of paper around the tube with a straight edge a fraction of an inch from where the sticker will be positioned. Tape the paper to itself so it is tight around the tube. Now on the other side from where the sticker goes you can tape the paper to the tube so it doesn't move. You now have a reference line. I would remove the sticker from the backing. Place the middle of the sticker on the tube and begin to wrap it around. Pull it off and do it again if you are misaligned.
@Zeus-cat Thanks for that!!!...I agree with both. If you saw my Viper thread, that is how I do centering rings too. This will be my technique (both of your recommendations) if I can't find a solution. I can also apply tape where I want the flat stickers aligned, set the edge to the tape, then press.

I'd still like to know if there is a solution, like alcohol and water, or some other solution I can use to float the stickers. A solution that won't dissolve the ink.
Can’t get the wet, they smudge.
Wonder if that is because of whatever they are using for color on the backing... Perhaps a coating of clear to seal them prior to floating them on water/dishsoap as suggested by KenECoyote?

I know that when I print decals it is recommended that you apply a layer of clear before actually applying them.
I know that when I print decals it is recommended that you apply a layer of clear before actually applying them.
That may be the ticket. What kind of clear? Like this Teator’s dullcoat? Pic. Or do I need enamel clear?

I’m going to pause at this point until I hear back from Bad Boy.

Can’t get the wet, they smudge.

View attachment 641543
Try a coat or two of clear coat over the (test on a scrap area or piece first). The printable decals I use smudge and break unless I clearcoat them and I've never had issue. Of note is that if you plan to also clear coat the rocket after, make sure to use the same clear coat.

Alternatively use just drop on only the rocket surface. Enough to allow you to position while also having a paper towel in hand to make sure the decal top surface doesn't get wet.

If forgoing the soapy water, trim around the decal and only cut a corner off from the backing leaving only the corner sticky exposed. Position where you want it until satisfied, then hold down that corner and roll off the rest of the backing. I've done this a lot too.

Finally, check with the decal provider.

Good luck! :) 👍
So, big update.

Soap is a no go. The stickers are not waterproof and smudge.

Tried to pre-coat with the same brand clear as the paint...that was a just flaked off.

BAD BOY Rocketry has been VERY gracious with their time...they even sent a set of replacement stickers after I botched them. I would highly recommend Bad Boy.

BB recommends Minwax Polyurethane over the decals. I was concerned that the Poly would not react well with an Ace Clear Coat enamel. Would need some testing to figure out how to best fix(ate) these decals.

For wrapping around a body tube you need a reference point. Wrap a piece of paper around the tube with a straight edge a fraction of an inch from where the sticker will be positioned. Tape the paper to itself so it is tight around the tube. Now on the other side from where the sticker goes you can tape the paper to the tube so it doesn't move. You now have a reference line. I would remove the sticker from the backing. Place the middle of the sticker on the tube and begin to wrap it around. Pull it off and do it again if you are misaligned.

If forgoing the soapy water, trim around the decal and only cut a corner off from the backing leaving only the corner sticky exposed. Position where you want it until satisfied, then hold down that corner and roll off the rest of the backing. I've done this a lot too.
^^^^These were both really close.

Here is what worked. Use the paper wrap to get a square. Release about 1/4-1/2" of the sticker. Position the remaining portion (unreleased) against the paper so the sticker is square...then lay down the 1/4-1/2" that is exposed, then wrap the rest.

Without the wrap:
With the wrap:
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