Big Scratch Daddy - A 29mm Powered Scratch Build

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When in doubt... build hell-for-stout!
Mar 3, 2018
Reaction score
Central Colorado
Here's a familiar rocket with a twist. It's a 29mm powered "rear eject", made from scratch, with 3 fins.
2024-03-24 OpenRocket Simulation 3D Finished.jpg
2024-03-15 OpenRocket Simulation 3D Unfinished.jpg2024-03-15 OpenRocket Simulation Side View.jpg2024-03-14 OpenRocket Photo Studio.jpg
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Looks like a BT-80 double wall?

One brainstorm, maybe a CR at the front of the inner wall so when the forward part is pressurized, it doesn't shrink the tube and create excess drag on the forward bulkhead that has to slide out through it.
T-300 outer wall, C-80 Inner wall. Both of which are glued to the nose cone, which is turned from pine.​
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The Lifting Rocket is way more than a 3FNC, what with the struts and tractor motors and pods and all that stuff.
Ahpla's sustainer counts, but not the full stack.
The Estes Logo Rocket counts technically, but with no body tube is is not with the "spirit of the law".
Spad Ace I'll agree with.

The Lifting Rocket is way more than a 3FNC, what with the struts and tractor motors and pods and all that stuff.
Ahpla's sustainer counts, but not the full stack.
The Estes Logo Rocket counts technically, but with no body tube is is not with the "spirit of the law".
Spad Ace I'll agree with.
2 for 4... tough crowd ;)

The Lifting Rocket is way more than a 3FNC, what with the struts and tractor motors and pods and all that stuff.
Ahpla's sustainer counts, but not the full stack.
The Estes Logo Rocket counts technically, but with no body tube is is not with the "spirit of the law".
Spad Ace I'll agree with.
The Alpha sustainer has scary forward swept fins. That gets a stink eye from my inner RSO.

Only the SPAD is acceptable. 1 for 4. But back on the straight and narrow with the Big Daddy as rear eject is OK. Back on the glorious 3-4FNC bandwagon. Back to the warm bosom of the Jedi. The fine folks of Good View are now safe and sound. YIPPEE!

Stiff, straight body tubes, fins and motor on the bottom where they should be. Does not appeal to any prurient interests and devoid of any Dark Side influence. Safety first. LOVE IT! You Go Lone Wolf! :)
Say hello to my backwards finned friend.... The Big Backwards Scratch Daddy.

Backwards fins are sure to scare all the Daddies. Yikes!
Stability, nose cone - fin impacts, caught chutes and tangled shroud lines! Oh the humanity! CALGON, TAKE ME AWAY!

Disclaimer: That LAST phrase was only for the old dudes who remember the commercial and what it means. :) ;)

Children, follow the directions and do not glue your fins on Backwards! Do not be badly influenced by such naughty scratch builds. Directions are mean to be followed.
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