Weird chemical reaction: Sharpie plus CA = severe color change

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Aug 6, 2022
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First country to put a man on the moon.
I trimmed the top of an Estes Long Ranger yellow glassine body tube (repairing teenage user error in recovery packing). Sanded the edge, then hit it with a yellow Sharpie to make the white layers yellow so they'd look right. I did this same thing on the initial build and used BSI thin CA to harden the ID.

This time around, the lid was glued on my BSI bottle, so I used the dollar store Super Glue brand CA that was sitting on the bench next to it. (The stuff that @hcmbanjo uses to fill blow-molded nose cone seams.) Very weirdly, when the CA interacted with Sharpie ink (I guess there was some soaked into the paper that hadn't dried yet), it turned bright red.

I don't remember whether I let the original build dry longer, or maybe I did the Sharpie after the BSI thin CA had set. It was a few weeks back, and there was no reason at the time to think about that.

Just thought it was interesting.

Fortunately, any red is against the purple nose cone, so it won't stand out too badly. And this is kind of a beater travel rocket for flying at the dry lake, so it's no big deal.
I found out yesterday that wiping a drip of CA off of a fin will also remove the paint off of the fin where the drip ran....