Waterslide paper gone bad?

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Dad of Sapling

Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2022
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
Does waterslide paper go bad? I'm working on finishing a project and have tried three different sheets of waterslide paper. Each time when I put it in the water the decal get all slimy and come off the backing like a string of slime. Printing on an inkjet and sealed with clear gloss. It's almost like the water adhesive between the layers is bleeding through the decal layer. Any ideas?
I had some old paper that kept streaking when I printed on it (about 20 years old). So yes older paper can be an issue. What clear gloss are you using? You could also try Micromark liquid decal film too.
I have also had waterslide paper go bad over time. It's definitely got a shelf life, which is unfortunate.
Yeah my paper recommendeds 3 coats of Krylon Crystal Clear.