TWA at Bong - Moved from Saturday to Sunday April 3rd 2022

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OMG, that wind forecast! 3-4mph. I'll probably be finishing up boiling/bottling maple syrup instead of joining you guys. Damn conflicting hobbies!
Planning on it. Hoping the cloud forecast clears up a bit.

Planning on the 54mm Minie Magg on a K456DM, Wildman Jr DD on a G339N (I hate trees!!!), and my Estes Mega DRM on an H128W.

I also have a spool that has yet to be flown and a few G69N's that are as old as the G339N that I would like to burn.

We shall see!
I might make it out- not much I can fly due to lacking a Wildman and/or igniters. But I do need to get out of the house.

I'ma gonna try to make it. I have two Big Uns (plus to Wildman lighters... :p :cool:) that I can save for you Glen.... :D
Wow....this might not be as fun as anticipated. Lets at least pray for a high cloud ceiling and no wind.
Yes. Great pics. I’m sad that I wimped out, but I just didn’t relish the thought of recovery in that slush. Or cleaning it out of the flight camera. Again.
@rfjustin : Is that common weather for this time of the year in the area? Definitely didn't have to worry about flying sparkies!!!

Great pics. Hope all had a great day!

No Sandy, its unseasonably extra wet/soupy, much more than usual. We also had a couple inches of heavy/wet snow the day before which did not help.

It was a very good call the TWA folks made to move the launch to Sunday. When I got home and saw my wife, she commented how much color/sun I had gotten today. :headspinning:
No Sandy, its unseasonably extra wet/soupy, much more than usual. We also had a couple inches of heavy/wet snow the day before which did not help.

It was a very good call the TWA folks made to move the launch to Sunday. When I got home and saw my wife, she commented how much color/sun I had gotten today. :headspinning:
Great pix Justin….thanks for coming out.
Great launch indeed.

Day started out very overcast with a low cloud desk, limiting to low flights but it really opened up around 1130am to beautiful blue skies. Once the skies opened up, there was a nice flow of rockets going off for the next 2+ hours.

I was able to pull off a hat trick with (3) launches and (3) recoveries. Very pleased!!

On top of that, I convinced Eric Cayemberg to come out to burn his K458W reload so I could buy his 98/2560 case off of him. Flew his V2 on that; such a dramatic flight and perfect recovery to the north of the motorcycle tracks. Eric also brought me a few issues of HPR to buy since all my collection was lost in a flood many years ago. I cannot replace them all, but at least I got a few of my favorite issues, including the first issue I ever bought which got me into HPR back in the early 90's. Thanks Eric!!!

Even Adrian dragged himself out to hang for a few after a one day trip to Three Oaks on Saturday.

Launched my Estes Mega Der Red Max on an H128W to around 1200-1400' with literally a perfectly timed motor eject on a drilled delay and landed 30' from the pad. Always a great flight on that rocket!!!

Next was my Wildman Jr Dual Deploy on one of my old Loki reloads from my 2009 stash from Al's in Elmhurst. Flew that to 4400' on a Loki I405W. After a few coughs, the rocket was off like a freight train. Love that motor!!

Lastly was my old faithful LOC Mini Magg that I stretched for dual deploy and outfitted with a 54mm MMT. It loves J415's, J800's, and K458DM's. I had a K458DM left over from a few years ago that I loaded up the night before. She flew perfectly to 4400' on a trail of sparky trash. If you don't have a few of those motors in your box, you're doing something wrong. Its an amazing performer and one of my favorite motors.

Thanks as always to TWA; Bob, Frank, Kevin and the rest. Thanks to Justin for lending me a hand several times and helping me spot the Wildman Jr.

Some pics and video of the Mega DRM unfortunately but I actually wanted to watch it for once.



