I wonder what I(total) is for 20m of rubber tubing [video: supersonic trebuchet. Yes, really.]

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May 7, 2017
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Murray, KY
First, the video, for those who can't wait to see a trebuchet that can launch a 3/8" ball bearing with a supersonic 'crack'. A remarkably small throwing arm, considering the performance. Lots of (potentially dangerous!) potential energy in the stretched rubber.

Rocketry tie-in: Some of us OldGuys™ remember toy rockets that were launched with a slingshot of sorts. The Mach-X from Quercetti was one of my favorite toys in elementary/ junior high. The sling was a two-handed arrangement (see the orange arms w/elastic and the two cross-pieces in the image) that hooked onto projections on either side of the rocket. Sadly, that arrangement was probably the reason that it was taken off the market, as it passed very close to your face when launched.

An internal arrangement of tiny rubber bands and adjustable projections allowed some control of deployment. Very ingenious!

Anyway, I've thought about this often. Upscale, with a lightweight 5m tower as the launcher. Latex tubing or 'exercise bands' for propulsion. Electronic deployment; the only expl****e in the thing would be the BP ejection charge. Though one could even use non-BP recovery activation if desired.

How far could this be taken? How large/heavy of a rocket? How high could a smaller rocket be sent? Is a 2 kg rocket classified as high-power if it doesn't contain any propellant?? ;)