Grinner Knot: Good for Securing a Line to a Snap Swivel’s Ring

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Well-Known Member
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Jun 9, 2015
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Denver, Colorado, USA
I have been practicing tying a “Grinner” knot onto snap swivels using 100 pound, braided kevlar line.

I like this knot for tying onto the ring on a snap swivel. It should also work on any similar tie-on point, such as a screw eye or nose cone eyelet.

I like this knot for tying onto a ring shaped object because:

*Easy to tie
*Not too bulky (sort of longish but not too fat)
*A load on the standing end or tag end or both tightens the knot. The knot gets tighter when you pull on the line on either side of the knot
*The knot tightens down onto the ring object like a noose but does not untighten easily

Downside: This knot won’t work if you need a “loop” of a certain size. There are other knots that make a fixed loop, if that is what you want.

The Grinner knot is a fishing knot, so it is not surprising that it works well with the fishing snap swivels we use in model rockets.


Looks interesting, I'll have to try it.
The subject of knots will take you into a big rabbit hole. I used to use the Bowline knot but it doesn't tighten down well with kevlar line. I put a dab of yellow glue on it to hold it. I've been using the double bowline and it seems to tighten up a little better. I've seen the Palomar knot recommended but haven't tried it yet, this one looks good too.