Another spectacular CATO!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2020
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I wish this was an April Fool's Prank, but it isn't.......... unless God was playing one on me! CATO is the 12:06 mark in case you want to skip ahead and there are more slo-mos of it at the very end.

This CATO was in addition to 2 chute separations and an ejected motor on a Yankee (with an engine hook)....... figure that one out! Strange day, but then again, it was April Fool's Day.

Another dreaded "E12-4" CATO: motor stamp: (J 22 10 22) This is my 3rd CATO on this same stamped motor from 3 different motor packages. Getting old......... but makes for great video!

One of the coolest CATOS I've ever seen!

Check out the engine burning out both ends! (forget candles)

View attachment 572317
I did a failure analysis on a d-12 motor that CATO'd on a TARC rocket, the theory wr came up with was that a crack formed throughout the grain of propellant causing an instant ejection charge and burning on both ends, we also calculated a chamber pressure of about 260-320psi (~30-50% higher than normal if I can remember the numbers right) pretty cool doing the calculations but not cool seeing a tarc season ruined.
I've heard about folks contributing CATO information to some sort of on-line reporting mechanism....... Anyone know what I'm referring to and possibly provide a link?

I've got a few to submit and can only hope that by reporting them, Estes will take notice. Thank you!
Thank you so much! Got my CATOs logged in there now............ I wonder if Estes ever looks at that log????
Estes - Probably does not watch it... BUT The people in the standards and testing committee of both NAR, TRIPOLI, and CAR do... so if there is a specific issue showing up. They will approach Estes.
I purchased a rocket from Estes a Patriot rocket on sale and it came with a free 3 pack of motors C5-3. I noticed that looking through the motor package the clay nozzle had a bad crack going through it. If it wasn’t for knowing what to look for before using the motors a kid might not and use it and destroy his or her rocket. Estes did replace the motor pack but I’m not to comfortable with bad motors from the get go. There are to many Catos coming out from this manufacture. If you spend time on putting a rocket together especially if it’s OOP, yes Estes will replace the motors and rocket but not if the rocket is OOP. There won’t be a replacement that will even come close to your OOP. All I can say it’s a good thing they don’t make shotgun shells.
Agreed........ An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Pre-flight the motors.......... Never thought I would have to, but now I know its a must.

Not much you can do about invisible internal cracks, but visible cracks can be caught early if looked at ahead of time.