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A real sweetheart. Yes you are a lucky man
Thanks. After 28 years, we might make a go of this thing.

We went to the launch today and left early. It is the first launch in probably 2-3 years that I did not push a button to launch a rocket.
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And I imagine an Army life hasn’t always bee sunshine and roses.

Best wishes to you both!
Nope. Twice in my life, I deployed within 30 days or less after movin. One was in Germany and the order was in Georgia. Both, we had moved to a foreign land and she had to learn to live with the locals and adjust to a different language.
Congratulations Chuck!

SWMBO has always been incredibly supportive of my rocketry activities for over 30 years. Even of my choice of a mid-life crisis car (Ford Probe was all I could afford). Her reasoning was that I could have instead chosen one or two of the brain-dead 20-year-old blondes in one of my classes---there was a pretty good selection---but I didn't.🤣

Have to say that I'll never forget one gal who was strutting her stuff. Walked in on Day One, wearing at most five pieces of clothing. Possibly only four. Two were sandals.:rolleyes:o_O She dropped the class when she found that much more cerebral activity was required.
Have to say that I'll never forget one gal who was strutting her stuff. Walked in on Day One, wearing at most five pieces of clothing. Possibly only four. Two were sandals.:rolleyes:o_O She dropped the class when she found that much more cerebral activity was required.
I know the sort, I wonder what they do in life (maybe get married to a doctor (no offense @cwbullet))