AMW Casings/Other Manufacturers

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Extremely Lucky (so far)
Jan 18, 2023
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, United States
I just picked up my first AMW reload today, an M1480RR, but my vendor didn't have the corresponding casing/snap rings needed to complete the motor. I've been looking around, and aside from Loki, I can't really find any other manufacturers that have these casings/hardware readily available. Is there a comprehensive list of which manufacturers make snap ring motors that are compatible with AMW reloads?

Thanks in advance!
I just picked up my first AMW reload today, an M1480RR, but my vendor didn't have the corresponding casing/snap rings needed to complete the motor. I've been looking around, and aside from Loki, I can't really find any other manufacturers that have these casings/hardware readily available. Is there a comprehensive list of which manufacturers make snap ring motors that are compatible with AMW reloads?

Thanks in advance!

Other then AMW hardware, I don't think there are any certified cross compatible hardware. Other then that, Loki/AT/CTI will all work. You will need to ensure the throat is right, but let er rip
Other than AMW hardware, I don't think there are any certified cross compatible hardware. Other than that, Loki/AT/CTI will all work. You will need to ensure the throat is right, but let er rip
75mm CTI hardware will not work with an AMW reload.

The casings for Loki and Gorilla are certified with AMW by agreement between the companies years ago. But the nozzle throat size has to match the reload manufacturer’s size.