Do you lead an oddly fated life?

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Well-roasted Member
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Mar 18, 2015
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New Yuck (North of the Sitty)
So, my life is always filled with odd occurrences/things beyond normal chance.

To shorten my backstory, I got fired from my last job at a company that I worked at for 16 years and I felt it was politics and things made up (note I was the most awarded employee at the time).

I then found another job about 7 months later and I'm doing very well (pays more too!).

However, about a week ago I heard that the old company I was fired from was joining up with my new company and everything will likely now be under the old company name!

What the heck happens if you've been fired from a company and then your new company gets bought/joined by that old company? WTH

To make things crazier, of the 4 people on the new team that interviewed and hired me, 3 have since left and as each one left, I was given all or most of their job responsibilities. I was hired as a Business Support Analyst, then given the Manager work to deliver, then most of the Director deliverables, now I'm being asked to take on most of the VP deliverables (and all of the Director ones too now since the VP had some)! I don't mind and I think I've been doing very well at them, but I've of course since asked for a promotion (waiting to see what happens).
One of the most important things you'll want to find out is if your accrued seniority at the two, now one, companies is additive/cumulative.
Actually, what would this affect? The old company used to have a pension, but that ended shortly after I joined, however I did get fully vested...$50 a month after I retire - woo hoo!😆
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Stay the course, see what happens. Careers have a way of twisting and turning and more times than not things work out for the best.

I got fired by the CEO at company "A". They created a "Confidentiality Agreement" a year after I was employed. Everybody in the company signed it but me. I had issues with the wording in the agreement. I won't sign anything I can't live up to, so I stood my ground & they fired me.

Fast forward 3 years. Company "A" had been bought out by Company "B" that sold off all their assets and then filed bankruptcy. The remaining executives formed company "C".

The same CEO that fired me, was now the CEO at Company "C", same building, same guys on the shop floor that I liked working with. I interviewed with the CEO and he hired me (for significantly higher salary) and told me I would not be asked to sign the Confidentiality Agreement.

Bottom line for me has always been did I like the work, was I proud to work there, and did I like the pay.
The issue here is that you do not live an ill-fated life.

The real issue is that we live in a crazy, ill-fated society and culture.

Hope things turn out for the better for you...
@KenECoyote ... How did this all work out? Did the merger take place?
Merger is still in process, but I actually tried to resign last Monday. Long story, but short of it is that everyone else on the team left except for the EVP leader and I was left to do everyone's work (like 5x the work I had when I joined) and he said and did some things that you shouldn't to the one person keeping the work going.

Plus there was a monster tsunami of work coming where they would recalibrate 5 years of data and they wanted ME to cover all the back redo work!

Also I wanted more time to build rockets! 😆 :)👍

In the end, he apologzed and convinced me to stay for a few more months. Plus part of me wanted to see the merger finish.

Seems my fate is to work like mad no matter where I go. Oh well, at least it gets me money for more rockets!