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Jun 6, 2011
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As I promised TRFers years ago, I would prefer to liquidate my assets here, to friends, fellow rocketeers and those who may appreciate that I do not want to burden my future widow with the excesses of my hobbies, for which she has little to no understanding, nor use for. This is really the first post, but I can promise you it will not be as organized, nor as well moderated as Stealth6 (Dave, or as I nicknamed him s6.) when he bailed. No patience for ebay-type bidding, just one and done if we can haggle details. NO SHIPPING! I am seeking interested QUALIFIED pyrotechs to purchase at discount my entire inventory of tooling, screens, chems, ball mills, etc. as a packaged deal. I am willing to drive as far as Los Angeles north or Phoenix east or Vegas to deliver. I would consider Utah Southwest as far as Saint George or where Stickershock23 lives. All three test ranges I fly at are included (Vegas, Holtville and Lucerne) and we could meet at a pre-planned date in the future to transfer assets. Approx $1500 and I can give photos and details to serious buyers. Pick up in La Mesa, Ca. gets a discount. No, I will not train you, teach you or in any way let you jeopardize yourself or me by default. Storage magazine required as well as an allyoop card. (LEUP) but I may be convinced. PGA card would be golden, operators at just about any level would be acceptable, but realize this is NOT a Chinese shot cake garage sale. No electrics either, but ask if you have a used van for trade. You either know how to make black powder ( and have done it) or not. That's just basic. You should know basics and I may question you to verify your depth of knowledge. No real big stuff like star rollers or drying racks, but I do have a set of never used screens (I'd like to keep my old ones and can't imagine not having them) and maybe some duplicate tooling I've never gotten dirty. When the Viking Princess nixed me taking over the Sea World shoot eons ago, I kinda lost interest. Plus, state law sux now. Bonus points if you know the most important lady in California pyrotechnics. Now you all know why It's been 'fyrwrxz' since google invented gmail. Before, I was 'pyrat' (short for pyrotechnic ratios) on Compuserve and a couple of you @ DART knew me then when I got the odd chance to fly when I wasn't chained to the factory making Shuttles and Atlas/Centaur birds at Plant 19. I'll be honest, this is like selling your kids, but it's the adult thing to do in the real world. I can make a deal, but not giving it away for free. For those in the know, stay green!
(Hah! re-reading this shows "PGA" card. #$@&* spellcheck nazis! Pip pip, ol' chap. Care for a round with your mashie? Whut's that you say? You have a green blazer? Close enuff, mate! Carry on)
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Ooh. This is kind of heartbreaking to read. I always wanted to be a green man as a kid. Acquired various books on such subjects, wanted to join PGI, dabbled in basic fountains. My dream came true enough shooting some shows for Fireworks West International. That ship has sailed on now. I have neither the land, money, nor time to properly and legally pursue such endeavors as constructing my own shells and such. Best wishes finding a good home for your babies!
You know you're a really old geek if you could whistle a dialup modem and talk with your Aunt in Kansas for free....
( I can't whistle, so don't go assuming...) I just realized I have an AOL coffee cup on my desk with pens in it. Don't even fricking ask.....
I have a 5-digit aol address, lol. It was either CS, Prodigy, or aol in 1991, lol. Aol had newsgroups. Captain crunch published his blue box in an underground mailer I used to get. I made a great many, and sold them at the college. :) I traded my whistle for the subscription, lol.

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I created my Compuserve account in the early to mid 80s. I tried Prodigy when it first came out, and hated it. Tried AOL early on, and hated it. Stuck with Compuserve through much of the 90s.
I created my Compuserve account in the early to mid 80s. I tried Prodigy when it first came out, and hated it. Tried AOL early on, and hated it. Stuck with Compuserve through much of the 90s.
Same for me. Mid 80s on Compuserve, Use Prodigy and AOL when I get a great deal but none were as good as Compuserve. On a slow as dirt dial up.
I will be sad to see you go from the forum. I hope you stick around after the Sale
Chuck, NOT leaving rocketry, just the pure pyrotechnics end. I have waayy too much propellant to burn and a bazzillion birds to crater. Just trimming back on the embarrassing collection of damn near the whole history of hobby rockets. I plan on having a mobility chair with a dewound 36v motor, hand controls, high flotation tyres and off road suspension. Maybe a side car for the nurse. I fully intend to dry up and blow away on the playa. That way I can go home with all my friends in the nooks and crannies of their gear.
Used to do a lot of dialup BBS's on my Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer back in another life... with a 300 baud acoustic modem. Those were the days...
Dammit Cris, now I gotta go look in the spare spare bedroom in the bottom in the back to make sure I got rid of that. I did find an 8" floppy from a Wang work station. Still looking for the beta tester version of Windows I know I have somewhere. My Mac SE still works fine, you just have to work at finding tractor paper for the printer. I have a roll of perf edge to use with the old aerotech copper fires or whatever they were called. Still some in the range box. OMG! Am I really a nerd? You know me, really not that smart. Hell, I can barely feed myself.
Sorry to see you leave. We'll stay in touch!
Hah! I could be a little bitch and say you started it! I still owe you a call, things have been a bit frantic here lately. def NOT leaving HPR, right now, just fireworks. Next weekend good?
I created my Compuserve account in the early to mid 80s. I tried Prodigy when it first came out, and hated it. Tried AOL early on, and hated it. Stuck with Compuserve through much of the 90s.
Kev- do you remember a guy named 'pyrat' on compuserve? I actually changed my screen name because the little punks thot I was hustling pirated software. Got tired of explaining how fireworks were based on formulae and how ratios worked. I gave it up and may have used it a bit on RP, but got tired of the BS. Darrel got me back on line into the first iteration of TRF before he croaked. I think I bailed when that happened, maybe combined with huge work pressure to keep America in space. I may have been on Arpanet and didn't need a commercial account. It all becomes a blur. Miss him muchlies. I have a pic somwhere of him making a trademark googly face that still makes me smile like it's burned into my retinas. Crazy funny and smart like a fox. Didn't you know him too?
What a weird derail! Not gonna post "Sold" yet, bc it's the weekend and RL happens with friends and family, not electrons. Had a very trusted friend (who shall remain nameless) unexpectedly reach out and I would trust him/her/them with my life. I have more friends here than any pyro site and was blindsided as it was unexpected from a pretty experienced rocketeer. I will let it roll a day or so to be fair. Next up maybe kits or (extra) motor cases. I surely don't have as many cases as Troj or Wayco and no 75 or 98 stuff. Just a few kits, not like CWbullet (ask him for pic of his shed) or many of the professional collectors, but some just by dint of escaping the butcher of scratch building. I'll try to promise to limit the old fogie stories if possible, but again, my thread, you poor sods!
man first day here and I remember all those places makes me feel nostalgic ..I had a blue box so I didnt need the whistle...........I miss BBS and or the early years of what we now refer to as the WWW. Feels like network tv now. I like how thw knowledge test was making black powder not reading about it and understanding it but making it hhahahhhah.
If you can express your Compuserve account as anything more than a number, you're not that old.
71066,337 with sysop free flags. Dial-up using a modem I designed (see my mention in Wikipedia related to BBS's).

All CompuServe account numbers have only digits 0->7. Stored as octal!

Anyone remember the GENIE online service?
71066,337 with sysop free flags. Dial-up using a modem I designed (see my mention in Wikipedia related to BBS's).

All CompuServe account numbers have only digits 0->7. Stored as octal!

Anyone remember the GENIE online service?
*sigh* yeah, dammit!