Three new kits at Rocketarium?

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Oct 2, 2016
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Very nice models. Rocketarium has grown into such a great line of kits.
He's pulled the Aster 15 temporarily and is re-designing it now.
I was so excited when I saw the topic but then I saw they are all BT-60 based. I wish they would make some BT-80 size kits. The kits are some of the most accurate rockets out there and they have some great choices. I just want them bigger. Come on fella's give us one and test the market out

I was so excited when I saw the topic but then I saw they are all BT-60 based. I wish they would make some BT-80 size kits. The kits are some of the most accurate rockets out there and they have some great choices. I just want them bigger. Come on fella's give us one and test the market out

+1 that's what I was wanting. I sent him a message requesting bigger diameters.
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I just noticed this the other day while browsing. Hadn't seen these kits prior.
Exocet MM38: 2 X 18 mm canted cluster, BT-60 airframe.
Exocet MM40: 24 mm motor, BT-60 airframe.
Alarm: 24 mm motor, BT-60 airframe.
I went with the MM40 model because a number of other people are building the MM38 version. I got the package this morning and I just completed building the RockSim file on it. They recommend 47g of nose weight but the sim suggests that 40g should be sufficient. I won't finalize the amount until after painting. I don't like the double blue paint scheme on the cover sheet. I think I will go with the dark grey nose, white body and black tail section, with a tiny strip of silver at the base instead. It looks like a fair bit of airfoil sanding of the fins but other than that it is straight forward build. Upscaling to a BT-80 and 29mm motor should be easy enough if desired.

What surprised me is that the model comes with laser markings for placement of the features on the body tubes which will make it a breeze to setup. Pavel is making some really nice stuff lately. Rocketarium is the US subsidiary of Denau Hobby Supplies Ltd. based in Waterloo, Ontario.
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I've been spending Oregon's drizzly season building several Rocketarium kits. They have an interesting range of types. Clusters, scale, two-stage, etc. Nicely engineered kits at a reasonable price.
I was thinking of buying the Aster 15 but I can’t find any reviews or build videos on it. Is there a problem with the second stage motor ignition?