L2 Punisher 3 Recovery Questions

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Well-Known Member
TRF Supporter
Feb 10, 2023
Reaction score
Centennial, Colorado
Good evening,

I received a Punisher 3 from my super awesome TRF Secret Santa this year and I thought this would be the perfect rocket to get my L2 cert. Today, I find myself struggling with the sim file to find a motor where the apogee is within the 14 second delay. I want to keep my L2 cert simple, but I'm at the point where Dual Deployment would make things much easier albeit a little more complicated. I had a path to launch for the L2 but this kit changes things somewhat and I would really like to fly the P3. I wanted to get some advice and feedback on my thought process to make sure I'm not doing something monumentally stupid.

My plan was to do my L2 launch in March/April of 2024. The idea was just simply take a baby "J" S/U motor and get it done. However, I am at a point where my instincts and my skill level says to launch this rocket on H and I motors and begin getting some experience using electronic deployment with motor backup this spring and then this summer, punch the L2 cert flight in the mouth using DD on a J-motor. I have 8, H-210/220/250 flights under my belt and they have all gone well, so I'm comfortable with RMS motor assembly, prepping the rocket, going through my checklist, etc. I have had more issues with DMS motor delays but this plan makes the delay a moot point. I am thinking if I can get 5-10 more successful H/I launches behind me, then I should be good for the L2 flight. As an alternative, I could go with single, electronic deployment on the drogue channel and use the main channel as the backup vs. traditional DD.

Does this sound viable? I appreciate any advice and feedback you can offer.

Enjoy what's left of your weekend.

Dave Frey
I would recheck your numbers , I don't know what that punisher 3 would weigh but my Hyperloc 300 weighs 4lbs. And needs 12 second delay with a j250w goes 4100 ft. Should be doable for you with that rocket.
But dd is very reliable, I did my l2 with it works great. Either way will get you there. Good luck.
Thank you. I really need to pull out the ruler and scale and verify the sim. I think I'm getting to that point where I want to move to the next phase, but the sim still needs to be accurate. I just noticed that the NC coupler is not accurate. I suspect other "deviations" are at play.
another thing to consider is in rocksim I have it show me the recommended motors, then allow it to show me the ones that are NOT recommended. Sometimes you’ll find some on the not recommended list that would be just fine, but aren’t being shown because the off-rail velocity is .1mph under the threshold.