Glider question.

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Ruler of Heck
Jul 12, 2001
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Even though I'm still working on my level 3, my brain is still churning. This weekend I was looking at Jase's Condor thinking. I bet I coud add a few things to the elDiablo and launch some gliders.

Here is the trick: the elDiablo soared to 1,400ft and pulled 10 Gs off the pad. The altitude is perfect I think. But I will have to build some gliders that can sustain 10Gs for .1 second and 9Gs for .1 second, etc.

So, taking a pole: Does anything think I can make a glider that can sustain the 10 Gs pushing the wings backwards for .1 second? Any ideas? I'm thinking delta wing formation.
Wow -- 10Gs for a glider carrier is pretty ballsy! My belief is that you will have problems finding a suitable wing material that is light enough for good gliding (like balsa), yet can take the acceleration (plywood or G-10). Plus, you want to make it release at ejection, so the way the glider(s) are fastened will be tricky. I'm not familiar with the elDiablo, but how about a nice, slow burn motor, like a Black Jack reload, that doesn't stress the gliders?
I was thinking about using the Condors design of glider retention which includes 4 lauch lug type holders. 2 on the nosecone and 2 on the booster body. the gliders would have poles of some type that would slid into the "holders". As the nosecone popped off, it would release the upper "holders" and the gliders should fall to earth.

Unfortunately the elDiablo requires no less than a J to get it off the ground. So for a Black Jack I would expect a K was in order which would take it well above the 1,400ft line.

Hmmmm, this may require a new rocket. :D
Sounds like an upscaled Condor might be a good alternative project. Maybe a 2X or 3X version that could fly on Fs or Gs?

I'm trying to finish my Orbital Transport, but my next "glider" project is a 1.6X version of the OT. I've already got the decals from Tago Papa.

Of course, this just means going from 18mm motors, to 24mm motors, so not much difference in flight speed or acceleration.
I saw a pic in an old HPR Mag of a guy that built what looked like an upscale Condor. Appeared to be ~4" in diameter. Made out of foam (whatever that means) and flew on mid-power.