Carl's Level 3

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Ruler of Heck
Jul 12, 2001
Reaction score
I just found time to look through your site completely:

That is some incredible information! You are doing a great job and I can't wait to see the AMRAAM fly. Going through everything I came up with some questions:

1) What software package did you use for your drawings?

2) I had a hard time figuring out how the deployment system attached to the center airframe. Is the outter section epoxied and bolted to the airframe with the center section removable?

Again, very good work. This is really helping me put things in my mind about my possible level 3 project. Thanks for putting your site together.

Psssst, don't tell Ken. :)
Wel, here ya go Phil,

1.) I used Jasc software's PaintShop Pro Version 7

2:) Your are correct; the outer assembly (essentially fore and aft centering rings) will be glued, pinned and glassed to the inside of the center body tube. The fins will be glued and glassed to the outside 4" sleeve for the removal center section and they will be wedged between the fore and aft centering rings.

BTW, Thanks for the cudo' has been a blast to work on!

Wow, I have PSP version 4.? and doing drawing like that would be pretty tough. I really like Visio for 'technical' drawings. It has drag and drop icons, snap to grid, dimensioning, etc. which make these drawings pretty easy. However, Visio doesn't offer any paint features.

I was wondering if you could elaborate on the PSP-7, maybe when I have an itch for an upgrade I should look at that?
You could email me at [email protected] if you don't think the whole group is interested.

I use PSP7 quite a bit myself. It is basically a poor man's Adobe Illustrator. It is an extremely powerful paint program for the money. Every button you see on this forum was enhanced from the original software using PSP7. These buttons were originally drawn using Adobe Illustrator so I know for a fact it has no problem reading and modifying those types of files.

One thing I don't like is it inability to draw a simple line with anchors that can be dragged for making curves. At least I have not found a way to do it yet. Perhaps Carl can clue me in.

I too have used Visio for business, but am not a big fan of it as much as PSP. I originally found the shareware version of PSP and may still have a copy of Version 2 or 3(I forget it's been so long) somewhere. I have been using it for years to do Web graphics and actually bought Version 7 about eight months ago because I figured I used the shareware enough and it was time to pay up; kinda my way of thanking Jasc for producing a great product. V7 was the latest on the shelf, so it's what I grabbed.

Right away it has some cool features; a library of art and buttons you can bring up, plus the look seems much more organized. It also appears to have more effects IMHO. I used it to draw ALL the graphics on my website, from buttons to headers to lettering ...the whole ball of wax. It also stores in many formats as I am sure you are aware and with hotkeys, you can resize a ton of pics in just a couple minutes. It was somewhat time consuming to draw out my project, but once I began, I could easily reuse some of the drawings to paste into others.

As far as making curves, I knew PSP could draw them, but it took me a while to figure it out. Simply select the drawing pencil, then set the tools window for Besier can draw a line, then move it anyway you want. That's what I used to draw thew nosecone curve for the L3 project. I drew one curve, then copied it and flipped it and put the two halves together.

Hope this gave you a better insight Rstaff...


Carl, thatks for the feedback. As would be expected, your v7 has many more features than my old v4. Yet, it sounds like it still doesn't have as many tech drawing features as Visio (also understandable). I think Corel may have more combined capability, but I prolly can buy an upgrade of both PSP and Viso cheaper than one of Corel, and still have rocket money left over.

Thanks again.

Oh, and i agree your site is excellent! Good luck on your L3!
Thanks Carl, that is exactly what I was looking for. I knew there had to be a way of doing it. I just couldn't find it.
Glad I could help Milo, as I said, I had to read the book to find it myself.

Dick, thanks for the comments on the site; I am having a ball right now much to do, but I should have it completed in plenty of time. I am just way to excited to let the momentum stop, since I have finally reached the construction phase!

Keep an eye out for updates and build pics.


Read the book! Now why didn't I think of that? :D

Now... can you tell me how to read the book?
I just got back from a road trip to one of my TAP's house and had a really good time there. Gary Dickinson is a great guy and one very good resource; I am pleased to have him for one of my TAPs as he is very informative and helpful.

Well, my airframe was nearly completed, minus a couple of bulkheads in the nosecone, so he gave it a good going over. After examining the model in detail, we assembled the whole thing in his living room and stood it up. Yes, I said living room! Thank goodness for his vaulted ceiling as the rocket just fit!

He and I took a look and started to laugh a bit...this sucker is BIG!!! Needless to say, he signed off my Tripoli L3 sheet without hesitation...

...what a great day indeed!!!

So, it's time to finish up the nose area and start painting...Yeehaa!!!!!

Thanks much Dick!!! Glad you like the pics. :)

Now all I have to do is pray for good weather April 13th and 14th... I can hopefully get that last "successful" signature!

I will be a basket case that day... ;)

I throw a prayer in for you too! (what, no smiley with a halo???)

Not that I think you will need it. ;)