Looks like Tesla is now distributing their Cybertrucks--- thoughts?

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"...one source said Ford lost over $100,000 for every EV built in the first quarter—more than double the amount lost a year ago."

How does that work? Did costs go up $50k per EV and the price didn't change? Or costs went up some and prices dropped? Or is this some weird accounting where they took the company's losses over all and divided it by the number of EVs built? (If it's that, then just building fewer EVs would increase the loss per EV.)
Putting R&D against Cost of Sales will do that. At least on a normal Schedule C, the IRS doesn't have a bucket for R&D... so you get to choose where you put it against. Most people chose Cost of Sales, but you could also put it against Operating Expenses. IRS doesn't care as long as they get their taxes... which pocket you give it to them from doesn't matter to them.
I've got a couple of friends who know Elon and they say his couch surfing is real couch surfing as in dropping in [often without warning] on people, crashing on their couch, eating from their fridge, etc....uncompensated.....

I used to have a friend kinda like that, back when I had roommates. He actually did have a place of his own, but every time he came to town for business, he'd crash on our couch. Made a lot more money than any of us (or all of us), but we didn't care that he didn't want to spend it on a hotel. He was our friend and we were happy to hang out with him for awhile.
I found in "The Eiger Sanction" a description that was applied to something else, but I feel is appropriate to the cybertruck.

It is something designed by skilled craftsmen who had had a pickup truck described to them, but who had never actually seen or driven one. :)